March 19, 2019

Orla Michaela - Seven Months

Introducing Orla's purple helmet! I had to coordinate her clothes, of course. I did take a photo without the helmet, but she wears it 23 hours a day, so this represents her at this month of her life. Also, the helmet one just compares her to the pineapple better. 

Those thighs 😍

This depicts Orla at this moment. Grabbing everything she can with a cheeky grin while twisting her body to escape :)

I can't get over her eyes!! 

Still a thumbsucker. Still no teeth, but lots of drool, red cheeks, and gumming. 

She kept these on for a solid 10 minutes. She loved them!

The day she got her helmet. 

The biggest thing that happened this month is her BFF cousin was born!! Love this girl gang <3 

Arwen and Orla at 7 months

March 13, 2019

Orla Michaela - Six Months

You still smile most of the day and cry only when tired or hungry. You are getting a bit better at sleeping, but still waking up at least once a night and napping only an hour at most (unless in your car seat). I have a feeling you can roll over, but you just won't! Teaching this mama a little lesson in waiting, huh?

You started sticking your tongue out the day we took these pictures and your cheeks are rosy most of the day, so I have a hunch that teeth may be on the way. Your hair is growing though, but I still don't quite know what color it will tend to be. It is definitely darker than Arwen's though. 

Food: You love carrots and now that is all Arwen wants to feed you 😂You do NOT like peas or really anything green so far. You are really good at getting food everywhere and Arwen thinks that is hilarious. 

All this food everywhere resulted in your first sister bath, which made my mama heart so happy. You two had a blast splashing and Arwen was so careful with you. I can't wait until you sit up better and can splash around even more with Arwen! 

Playing: You are much more interested in toys now, especially how to get them into your mouth. You love to sit up and play. 

See? You really love Moose and I think you may be Moose's favorite too.

I had my first experience parenting alone with two girls this month. It went well, but we were all glad to see daddy! It was also Valentine's day, so we had to dress to impress. 
 You fell asleep in my arms for the first time in a long time and I had to document how sweet it was. You had a headband on, which I took off. That is why there is a red circle around your head. 

This wasn't taken during our girl's weekend, but it was during the month and I thought it was fitting. 
You had your first Patriots superbowl win! You seem skeptical in this photo, but it's OK. You are just starting to understand the power of the GOAT. 

This was such a sweet moment that I want to remember for as long as I live. We were sitting down all relaxing before bed, watching a quick show and you just leaned over and hugged Arwen and wouldn't let go. It was just the cutest thing. 

The last major update is that you are getting a helmet to fix the flat spot on your head. 
I think these were the best pictures I could get of the flat area. It is on the bottom right. Maybe I will try and do a whole blog post about it because there was a lot to go into the decision and the process. 

So, for your 7th month pictures, you will be wearing a beautiful purple helmet and we'll just see how long this process takes! 

Now, finally, the comparison pictures!
1 month top left, 2 months top right, 3 months left middle, 4 months right middle, 5 months left bottom, 6 months right bottom

Arwen on the left, Orla on the right