July 3, 2015

Arwen Mae - One Month

Arwen, you light up your mama and daddy's life. In this first month, we have experienced so many firsts (as expected) and life has most definitely changed. 

You currently do 50% breastfeeding, 50% formula and you are rocking it and your weight has increased as it should. It did drop to almost 10% and did not want to increase at first, but we have found a nice balance with both options.

We celebrated daddy's first father's day! You wore an "I heart Dad" onesie and gave him books to read to you. It was a little hectic, as this whole month has been trying to learn you, but it was great to celebrate how wonderful you are in our life and how great of a father you have. 

Our first outing, not to the doctors, was to Qdoba and we sat outside as to not disturb anyone if you started screaming. You didn't and a lovely couple stopped by to ogle you :)

On average you sleep from 10pm to 3am, then wake up around 5/6am and you are generally up for the day around 8/9am. You take a longer nap around 11am or 12pm until 2pm or 3pm. Mama was especially nervous for the lack of sleep, but I think I'm not too crabby. 

I'm sure there are many more things to try and remember about this time, but I'm a wee bit tired. 


Doctor Update
Weight - 10 pounds 14.5 ounces (85th percentile)
Height - 21.5 inches (50th percentile)
Head circumference - 38cm (97th percentile)

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