If you remember I posted some goals for the summer over two weeks ago. I figured I would give an update and also, motivate myself to keep on track. [Come on Emily! You can do it! Be your own cheerleader!]
1. Exercise frequently: I have been failing miserably with this... I think I have exercised maybe three times in the past two weeks. I did just get a new exercise video -- Jillian Michaels 30-day shred. I've heard it is tough, but worth it. I am hoping to get into it soon and I'll let you know how I feel afterwards.
2. Spend less money. We have been eating out less than when I made this a goal, so that is a plus. I vote yes, we are doing ok in this area.
3. Take time out of each day to reflect and be thankful. I still need to do more of this. I have been a little sick (with a stupid lasting cough) these past few days, but I should definitely be thankful to have the medicine to make me feel better and clean water to norish my body with.
4. Write more. Nope. I did update my blog though. Does that count?
Overall, I obviously have to keep going, but I still think these goals are important to both my health and my future plans.
In other news, I gave blood today. I didn't pass out either! I felt a little bit light-headed, so I laid back down for a minute or two, but now I feel great and I really hope my blood goes to a person who really needs it.
I am reading "My Sister's Keeper" currently and I really like it. I am a bit concerned though because I am reading it on the train from work and I can already tell it is going to make me cry at some point. I don't want to be that lady on the T...
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