July 30, 2011

And With Her Windows Rolled Down And Her Hair All Blown Around, She’s A Hot Southern Mess

 Day 124.
This is from my friend's house. He lives on a farm and the landscape is so amazing. I went home for just about a whole day and went around the town and it was very weird. I feel very ... citified. We were driving home late and it was so dark and the roads were so narrow. It took some getting used to again. 

Every Little Thing That You Do Baby, I'm Amazed By You

 Day 123.
LOOK AT HOW BEAUTIFUL THIS LITTLE GIRL IS!! She is SO absolutely precious and beautiful and small and just amazing. <3

July 29, 2011

In My Head I Hear Whispering Questioning And Beckoning

 Day 122.
Sorry! I have been slacking! I really have been taking pictures these days, however. I maaay have changed the date, but they really were taken on Friday! It has been crazy busy this weekend. I barely even turned on my computer! 

I tie-dyed this shirt when I went to Vermont at the Ben and Jerry's factory. I looooove it! 

July 28, 2011

ABC Easy As 123

Day 121.
There were turkeys by work today! Can you see mom and babies?

July 27, 2011

Near, Far, Wherever You Are

Day 120.
I received this mug from a vendor at work! I can now be "green" with my morning and afternoon tea.

July 25, 2011

I Thought Love Was Only True In Fairy Tales

Day 119.
Went to a nursing overview today. It will take three years part time, buut seems worth it. I'm excited!

July 24, 2011

It's A Beautiful Day In This Neighborhood

 Day 118.
Beautiful sunset! I love road trips. :)
I love family.
I love life!!
PS- Congrats to my cousin for her new daughter, Rhae Marie! 

All The Women Who Independent

 Day 117.
My phone isn't letting me upload pictures now. Maybe it was the fact that I figured out how to post multiple pictures. It doesn't like when I figure it out...

July 22, 2011

In Your Head, In Your Head, Zombie, Zombie

Day 116.

We're heading to Vermont as I type! (Andrew is driving, while I take pictures). I am excited to have a little vacation with my in-laws. We are going to go to the beach and Ben and Jerry's factory!! So, don't expect anything fancy-shmancy tomorrow. But I'll do a special Vermont post. 
Also, I just figured out how to post multiple pictures from my phone and the blogger app... and I'm supposed to be tech-savy.

July 21, 2011

Just Take Me Back To Your House, Your House

 Day 115.
While Andrew drove, I played with long exposure on my camera. Some of the pictures are really cool! I tried making a heart, but realized the object has to move like a heart, not the camera...

July 20, 2011

And I Love You For Giving Me Your Eyes, For Staying Back And Watching Me Shine

 Day 114.
Happy Birthday to my wonderful Mama! 
This post is completely dedicated to my orange-loving, awesome cooking, fantastic crocheter mom! Although we have our differences (we ARE mother and daughter after all), I have complete respect and unconditional love for her! Also, today would have been my parent's 43rd wedding anniversary. 

 P.S - Her favorite color is orange and I wore the shirt (that is the background) for her. I used mustard seeds to create the picture because really? I barely use basil... what do you use mustard seeds for? However, I now have many, many, many tiny seeds scattered on my kitchen floor. That will be fun for a few days...

Row Row Row Your Boat

Day 113.
Trying to catch up! This shrub/bush thing has huge green leafs (or leaves?). I'm all confused as to the English language this morning. Ha!

July 17, 2011

I Come From A Land Down Under...

 Day 111.
Day 111 -- Make a wish! 
After Girls Night last night, we went out for a little breakfast and my little model was just adorable! Then, Andrew's brother was home and we went for lunch and did a little mini-golf. Andrew got the highest score of the day! I beat him, but did not win. It was really hot, but really fun.

July 15, 2011

Drop It Like Its Hot

Day 109.
Going in soon!!!! Best weekend! Tomorrow is girls night!

Lets Do The Time Warp Again

Day 108.
In line for Harry Potter Part 2 at 11:45! SO EXCITED!

July 13, 2011

And Its You And Me And All Of The People

Day 107.
My books for my first post-Bachelors class! I am so excited to take this course. I have always wanted to because I love learning about the human body! Nature is amazing.

July 12, 2011

And In My Brokenness To Cry Spring Worship Unto Thee

Day 106.
We made our banana/strawberry smoothie/ice cream again and this time I put in blueberries and strawberries. DELICIOUS, especially on this hot, hot day. 
Also, I highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend watching "God Grew Tired Of Us". It is a documentary about 4 lost boys from Sudan and it is so incredibly touching, moving, funny, sweet, sad, and just plain incredible.

Oh What A Night Late December Back In '63

Day 105.

July 10, 2011

The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Music

Day 104.
The remnents of strawberry banana smoothies! Yummy! We did the banana ice cream and added strawberries. SO much better. Highly recommended on a hot summer day.

Baby, You're A Firework. Come On Let Your Colors Burst

Day 103.
Yesterday was a really good day. I hung out with my mom, sister, and niece and we watched fireworks and reminisced about days before. I really love a lot of these shots! We even had glow bracelets and necklaces. We went all out. :) 

 She wasn't excited about the fireworks at all... also, I realize this picture is reaaaalllllyyyy blurry, but I think it is just so cool. Kind of the opposite of a shadow picture. 

 SO Americana! 

 Like a dandelion. 

So, which fireworks picture did you like the best?!?