June 21, 2011

Cause I, I Feel Lovely Just The Way That I Am Yes I Feel Lovely The Way That I Am

 Day 085. 
 Andrew and I made our own dairy-free ice cream! His friend from work showed him this recipe and we tried it out. I would recommend leaving it in the freezer for longer than an hour and 15 minutes. Try it out!

1 comment:

  1. NICE!! I WILL try this, since I'm all, y'know, avoiding dairy!

    So it tasted good?? Was it wicked banana-y?

    I also heard that coconut milk (not in a carton, in a can - it's less liquid more...solidy-creamy) in the fridge (she actually said the freezer - but when I did it in the freezer it was way too hard, so I think fridge would be better) makes a good ice cream substitute. If you like coconut flavor that is!
