October 22, 2018

Orla Michaela - Two Months

Oh my sweetheart, your smile is just so darn cute. You are especially happy and smile-y in the morning, so I fear I have another early bird. I mean, just look at that GIF below and tell me you didn't smile. Your sister can make you smile so big - in fact you are looking at her in the photo above.

We are still breastfeeding, though it was been a pretty rough month. I had mastitis essentially three times all while Arwen had an ear infection, so we were in the doctor's office at least once a week this whole month. Thankfully, we are feeling better! 

You wake up about once a night. If I feed you at 10pm/11pm, you generally wake up around 4am, then sister wakes you up as she wakes us alllll up. You still stay up for about an hour at 4am, so we have some nice bonding time ;) 

I had a wedding to photograph during this month so it was imperative to make sure you took a bottle. Arwen had been asking to give you a bottle since you were born, so when she finally got to, she was over the moon excited. The wedding went very well for both mommy and daddy with the two kids. 

We have been trying to make it out and do fun fall things. So far we have gone on many walks, including walking Moose in the rain, playgrounds, birthday parties, more biking with your sister, and Davis' Mega Maze. Breastfeeding makes getting out more difficult (at least for me), but we are making it work!

Orla, you are just the best fit for our family and we are all so glad you are here. I am so grateful I get to see all your firsts and be here. I try to never take that for granted. 

L to R, clockwise: Orla 2 months w/ pineapple, Orla 2 months w/ hedgehog,
Orla 1 month w/ pineapple, Arwen at 2 months

September 25, 2018

Orla Michaela - One Month

Orla, you are such a little snugglebug! I barely put you down and you know what, you don't mind one bit. We both greatly enjoy these snuggles. 

This transition has been significantly easier than with Arwen. I knew kind of what to expect and am much more confident as a mama this time around. We still have our firsts though! As of now, you are still exclusively breastfed and I am thrilled. I hoped to make it this far and am super proud of myself. It hasn't been an easy road and the Friday after you were born was a pretty terrible day, but we persevered and now, it is getting easier. 

We have been out and about pretty much since you were born. We both were feeling pretty good and fresh air just refreshes my soul, so the first outing you went on was to take Arwen for a bike ride at the old school parking lot. It was a beautiful day and we all had a great time being a new family of four! 

Sleep has been a bit varied. No real rhythm yet, but that's OK. You do sleep a few hours and I do drink some coffee, so it all works out in the end.  

Your big sister adores you and whenever you are awake, she has to come see "Ohla" and yells in your face "Hiii sisterrr". Yes, I swear that means she does love you. She gives you kisses, throws diapers away, celebrates when you poop, and has to hold you at least once a day. I cannot wait to see the love blossom between you two. I hope you will always remember to lean on each other. There is no one else like a sister. 

As far as nicknames go, Daddy calls you Orlance, Arwen calls you Baby or sister or baby sister. I call you nugget or sweet girl or Arwen (haha! Oops). 

Orla left, Arwen right. Same dress.