January 1, 2017

Welcome to 2017!

Ah, the new year. I love that it feels like a brand new slate. A way to start over and have a whole new experience. Thinking about that, I have decided to set both a broad theme word(s) for the year as well as a few, seemingly achievable goals. I think I would like to have some monthly goals as well, probably just actions I want to work on (cooking more, deep cleaning, etc.) or just activities I want to do (zoo, aquarium, etc.). I need a place to be accountable, so here I am!

I don’t remember if I had a specific word for 2016, but looking back, I would say ‘explore’ is a pretty accurate word. We explored more deeply the world of parenting for a full year, visited many new places, particularly Seattle & Alaska, and I explored managing a small business with my busiest season yet. 2016 involved many, many learning experiences in a variety of different areas of my life.

It was truly a year of growth for me, so with 2017, I am planning for my ‘resolution’ to be balance & intentional. My wedding season is blossoming and I am SO grateful for that! But I have learned through this year that I definitely need balance and focus. Balance for my family and just time to myself. I also want to be more intentional - with my words, my promises, my thoughts. I think I need to make pretty signs and hang them somewhere I will see them daily.

Balance & Intentional

Year 2017 goals:
- To exercise more than last year (which shouldn't be too hard!)
- To read 15 books this year

January 2017 goals:
- Read one book
- Exercise
- Post Arwen's 18 month post!