March 5, 2016

Arwen Mae - Nine Months

It was nearly impossible to get you to look at me and make sure you weren't going to fall off the couch, so this picture was the best I was going to get this month. Photographer mommy will just have to deal with it.

Many fun and exciting firsts this month! You went sledding and absolutely loooooved it. We got a video, but I just haven't been able to find time to edit it. I will post it when I can, but here is an action shot in your sled. Daddy was a trooper pulling you all around the yard!

It was your first Valentine's Day and we had a mini photo shoot! We actually had two - one with your cousin as it was around her first birthday. You two are going to have so much fun growing up together. I am so glad you will have a cousin friend. 
When trying to remember all the things you did, I forgot to mention in your little picture update that we found you love balloons. You will hold them, look at them, bounce them, let go and watch them. We'll have to make sure you have some for your birthday, which is coming up entirely TOO SOON. 

You also love to read books. It quiets you down most of the time and you are now fully invested in flipping pages for us. Sometimes too much excitement and you just want to turn all of the pages! As I mentioned in your photo update, you love to go into carts. You just kick your legs and look around. 

 Arwen, I love these moments and I am trying to treasure them and soak them in as much as I can. I know I won't always be able to say or do things that will make you laugh. In fact, I'm sure I'll get an "Oh Mom, stop embarrassing me" one of these days, so for now, I will tickle your cute, round belly and say things like "Are you eating your sock?!" with an incredulous tone and dance around singing the I've-got-a-naked-baby song just because these little things won't last. I'll always be your Momma and I'll always be there for you and I really hope that I will at least be able to lessen the pain of future heartaches. I live for your smiles and giggles baby girl.