October 31, 2011

The Monster Mash, It Was A Graveyard Smash, He Did The Mash, It Caught On In A Flash

 Day 226.
 We had 0 trick-o-treaters. I blame the storm and the fact that we live in an apartment, but I did get to have all the candy... I only bought really good stuff one of us would eat this year. 

October 30, 2011

Winter, Spring, Summer Or Fall All You Got To Do Is Call

 Day 225.
I hadn't seen my niece in a really, really long time and I missed her. We were going to get together after many times, but something always got in the way. Then, we were supposed to go on a haunted hayride and go apple picking and carve pumpkins last night after my class, but by the time I got home from class, it had already started snowing at my sister's house. So, we went today after the snow had fallen, even though my sister didn't have power. 
It was SO MUCH FUN!! We carved pumpkins (by we I mean Kaylee and Andrew carved and I picked out the seeds) and played apples to apples with everyone in the house. As you can see, once it got dark, my sister took out the candles and we played some more. Overall, an awesome day with some amazing people. 

October 29, 2011

I Want You To Hear Me I Want You To Find Me

Day 224.
It is snowing. Again. 
It's legit this time.
I saw plows. 
It should snow from November 30th to January 15th every year and that is it. OR if it has to snow more, whenever it is NOT snowing, it should be like 50 degrees out. 
Deal Mother Nature?

October 28, 2011

You Know It's Thriller, Thriller Night

Day 223.
Today was Halloween at work. I tried to become the Count from Sesame Street ... didn't work so well. In fact, it failed. Horribly. But, I learned I will never face paint my whole face again. And only go for really easy costumes in the years to come. 

October 27, 2011

October 24, 2011

The Head Bone Connected To The Neck Bone

Day 219.
Studying constantly. I had a test last week, a test this next Saturday and another one the Saturday after that. Why did I take this class again? 

October 23, 2011

'Cause We Are Broken What Must We Do To Restore Our Innocence

 Day 218.
My cousin's baby, Rhae Marie, got baptized today in this gorgeous church. The woodwork is beautiful!!!

October 22, 2011

Catch A Falling Star And Put It In Your Pocket

 Day 217.
It is finally starting to look like fall around here. After school, I came out of lab and saw this lone tree and had to take pictures of it. The sky was all grey and it contrasted well with the leaves of the tree. Unfortunately, I just had my phone camera. On the way home, the leaves and the bubbly clouds were amazing. I wish I could photograph with my eyes and then just print out what I see sometimes.

October 21, 2011

If I Only Had A Brain

Day 216.
Since we had no groceries and I have a test tomorrow, we got subs and I saw they sold onion rings. I was sold. These onion rings were absolutely delicious. Well worth the money.

Blackbird Singing In The Dead Of Night

Day 215.
I walked into work today and there were so many birds in the tree! It was quite a racket. Can you see them? They are the little, black specks in the tree.

October 19, 2011

If You're Awake, Look All Around

Day 214.
Rainy day. 
It has felt like a rainy day all week. 

It's Just This Thing That Seasons Do

 Day 213.
I do believe this is a red grapefruit. It was delicious! I have come to love grapefruits by themselves. Yummy!

He Ate My Heart, You Little Monster

 Day 212.
I found this little guy at work today! He went on to eat my candy! Silly little monster. 

October 16, 2011

October 15, 2011

Jebediah Feeds The Chickens And Jacob Plows... Fool

 Day 210.
Andrew and I went to Weird Al's concert and it was awesome! I was laughing the whole time. Afterwards, we went to Ihop and got delicious food. 

October 14, 2011

Just The Two Of Us

Day 209.
These pictures pretty much sum up my day. We had a celebration at work since we are breaking ground on our new building. I am so excited for the new building because it is closer to public transportation and all of my company will be in the same building! Fun!
Then, I was coming home and as soon as I was walking home, the rain started down pouring and it was gorgeous. 
After I got home for a little bit, I picked up Andrew from the train station and he got me a rose! How sweet is he? (Hint: The answer is the sweetest <3)